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The Momference Workshops   Iris Mannings -20.jpg

"You can't afford to put off your health another day!"
-Coach Precious

In addition to being a married mother of three, Precious K Williams is an entrepreneur, mom coach and wellness speaker based in Atlanta, GA. She founded Simply Passionate Life, a lifestyle brand and wellness platform for Moms On a Mission to build Generational Health.  




Do you host a women’s or church group? Do you lead a women-run company? Are you planning a conference?

Let's ensure that your participants can begin a  transformation in their lives!  Sign up for a speaker wanted inquiry call to gain insight on my signature framework, workshop options, and small group facilitation opportunities. I’d love to share more information and hear about ways to design an experience that's catered specifically to your audience.


  • Are coaching sessions recorded?
    Yes, all sessions are recorded for reference and saved only within our app for privacy purposes. However, our live attendance rate for each cohort has been 97% in our program which has led to transformative results in our M.O.M.s and nurtured their bonds with each other.
  • What’s the difficulty level of the group fitness workout sessions?
    Our group sessions are taught by hand picked professional trainers that offer modified options for the movements. Additionally, during intro sessions, M.O.M.s receive an individualized wellness budget, a body composition review, exercise modeling, and a weekly workout split tailored to their individual goals.
  • Will my dietary restrictions and food allergies be compatible with the nutrition plan?
    Absolutely, our signature meal method is far from the typical “meal plan”. Instead of using yes and no columns, we’ll expound on simple, renewed ways to look at food as a whole. Let’s remove the word “diet” from your vocabulary!
  • Do I need to be a Christian or affiliated with a church to participate?
    The short answer: no. However, the GHP is written from a Christian worldview. This program implements research based methods while also trusting the leading of The Holy Spirit. An intentional balance of practical strategies and grace-based accountability are woven into our community structure. Biblical wisdom, prayer, and explicit use of the name Jesus/God/Holy Spirit will be used to edify members.
  • Generational Health Now: How Yourself as a Mom Will Change Your Family’s Future
    Introduce M.O.M.s to the L.I.F.T. framework for building generational health. Begin the journey of identifying how to LIGHTEN their load, IGNITE their spark, and embrace a FREEDOM mindset, so they can finally TAKE their turn in their own lives.
  • Renew Your Mind-Transform Your Life!
    Have you ever felt like your mind had too many tabs open? Like no matter how many lists you create, your brain fog will never lift. Like you have to borrow from tomorrow's grace to make it through today?! You're likely facing burnout. In this session, we will provide a clear definition of fatigue, identify the signs of burnout, and the triggers that lead moms to be overstimulated. You’ll walk away empowered to transform your struggle areas.
  • Busy Body: Motherhood & Fitness
    Historically moms have been applauded for how frequently they sacrifice to benefit the family. It’s time out for that!Instead of only asking how you can pour out, learn to seek ways to fill up! What do YOU enjoy, how do YOU express yourself, when's the last time YOU experienced delight in motherhood? Learn the F.U.N. method to become an emotionally and physically fit mom, and gain the energy to fuel your fulfillment.
  • Managing The Mayhem: How to Practically Live A Joy-Filled Life
    Have you been asking yourself "What on earth do I have to do to get my sanity and identity back?" You're burning the midnight-oil, day after day, taking care of everyone’s needs, but your own and the woman you were before motherhood is buried somewhere beneath the surface. Contentment is enjoying the life you have, while working for the life that you desire. Let’s create a surefire plan of attack, that enlists your village and puts your selfcare back on the family calendar.
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Precious is an amazing speaker. She was a moderator at our conference and she ROCKED IT. Her smile, laughter, how intune she is on the subject matter, how relatable she is... makes her a magical piece to any event. BOOK HER!"

Bianca Rush, Ladies Who Brunch Atlanta

With Simply Passionate Life, Precious educates M.O.M.s on how to L.I.F.T themselves first, in order to create a ripple effect in the health of their families! Her mission is to train moms on how to LIGHTEN their load, IGNITE their spark, and embrace a FREEDOM mindset, so they can finally TAKE their turn in their own lives and build Generational Health.



Mom, coach, & generational health educator; Precious thrives in front of groups of all sizes!

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